Saturday, September 13, 2008

1 - 3 - 9 Exercise

(1) Architecture is a channel of experience that wakes a comatose, jaded modern society through a designed response to action, motion and kinetics.

(3) Architecture is the means by which man experiences his surroundings. Modern man is unaware of his built environment because he has been living an over-exposed and over-stimulated life – nothing phases him. Architecture can crack through his dulled perception through design by appealing to man’s underutilized, inherent understanding of movement.

(9) The senses are crucial to understanding any experience. However, modern man’s senses have been so barraged that he can no longer register his perceptions of his environment. In reaction to this modern state, man has shut down his full faculties of consciousnesses. Architecture can be the resolution to this modern dilemma. Architecture envelops man, becomes his environment, and fits into the story of his life. Designed space must find a way to appeal to man as never before, and in a way that does not tug incessantly on the heartstrings of his senses. While man may be jaded in his sensory experience, he still understands, uses, and communicates through motion and movement. While architecture is typically non-moving, it has the ability to communicate with man through movement, whether through perceived or actual. Man’s conceptual understanding of movement must be valued, used, and reflected through architecture in order to bring forth a new society.

1 comment:

luis said...

your ideas become clearer... more precise.

i'm curious, tho, of your idea of kinetics... how do you understand it? how can this be used in architecture? is it perceptual or literal (ie. real movement)?

i am also curious as to what comes next? ie program, for instance... what did you get out of the other day's discussion? and, later, what did you think about miralles' work?

what art or architecture do you know that is kinetic? that is about movement? have you any precedents in mind?

and, what is the end goal? simply to shock (wo)man out of their blasé attitude? [not that that is not worthy...]