Thursday, September 4, 2008

Know what drives me nuts? When architecture is wishy-washy, namby-pamby. When it tries to be everything to everyone all at the same time. When it wants to be quiet and blend into the site, but at the same time, it wants to make a song and dance so you know it exists. When it wants to reference the historic, and when it wants to be avante-garde. It's okay if you can do this, and do IT WELL. But precious few do it well. Don't be ashamed to take a side if it steps on some toes. No La-Di-Da Archtiecture. You can make La-Di-Da, wishy washy buildings, but not Architecture. Barf.

1 comment:

luis said...

i agree... the world is filled with mediocrity and its the "easiest" thing to do (its uncommitted, doesn't take risks, doesn't challenge, etc... its "safe").

so, now what? what is at the core of what architecture should be?

what is your manifesto? how do you step on the toes that you need to step on?